Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 4 -Jan. 28,2010

Today in class we joined a facebook group on The group is the Web 2.0 and schools group. On there we can comment on articles and videos. We watched a video that was on CNN about how we are the dumbest generation ever because of how we use the technology the wrong way. This joining of the group falls under 2C on the ISTE standards. It states, "customize and personalize learning activities to address students' diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources." I would be able to develop better teaching styles with the help of many great teachers that are in this group. They could help by answering questions or assist me as I work on projects with my students. I will continue to use this group.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day 3

On the third day of class we joined together with teachers across the country. We joined the online internet site classroom 2.0. We can talk in chats with other teachers about lesson plans and activitys. We can read up on successful teacher and there teaching stratiges. We now can connect and think outside the box with the help of who ever we want. This falls under 5a on the Iste website, "participate in local and global learning communities to explore creative applications of technology to improve student learning." This can help me succeed to teach to an all new level. It will help keep my classroom and could provide an edge for students to stay active and interested.

Day 2

Today in class we created a resume for ourselves from the google document section. It had many templates that were easy to access. This activity falls under the section 2a from It states, "design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity." With this resume that we learned to use to fill in information about ourselves to tell our history. This information is processed by future employers to decide whether to hire you or not. This was all done using online techonology. and can be printed anytime. I could use this in my class to help my students get jobs or prepare for their job search later on in their lives.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day One January 19, 2010

Today we set up a blog. I'm new at this. We connected with kids across the country using a wordle to let them know what our group of students thought of Cali. It meets to 3B on the ISTE website in the way that we collaborated with students using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation to peers that we did not even know. Being so far away and not being familiar with the two states it was interesting to see what they thought of West Virginia. We texted two nouns and adjectives about what we thought of each other states. Our teacher created a collage of words on the computer of the results. I could use this to help find out what my students think about something that we are working on. I could use to connect with other class online.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Copy of Resume (Student Theme)

Zach Nolan

Zach Nolan 906 47Th street vienna, WV 26105, 304-615-5235



Fairmont State University


  • Degree in Department

  • 3.0

  • Portfolio on file

Fairmont, WV

Parkersburg High School


  • Degree Here

  • 3.5

  • Student athlete

Parkersburg, WV

Work Experience

Learning Garden


  • Camp Counselor

  • worked with kids from the age of 2-13

  • received first aid training

Mineral Wells, WV

Vienna rec


  • Umpire 

  • Age groups 7-8, 9-10, 11-12

Vienna, WV


  • Offensive MVP: Oct. 31, MVP of the Offense

  • Deans List: Fall semester

Interests and Skills

  • Technical Skills

  • Language Skills

  • Athletic

  • Communication Skills

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Introductory post

I'm Zach Nolan, an Education major.