Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 30

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I think Wikipedia is great site to get information for more simple things. I use it more for the purpose of finding quick information for general things. The more general the better chance it being accurate information. I do not use Wikipedia for papers mainly because I am not aloud. I would not let my students use this website because anyone can post on there, although I find myself grabbing something off of there real quick sometimes.

Day 28

I choose to validate The page is set up neatly and easy to navigate through theories about Dihydrogen Monoxide Research. There is a lot of links on the front page for buying things which raised questions. The site seemed to be updated very often according to the front page at the bottom. Being a scientific website, one author is not listed but it is copyrighted by Tom Way. Also, there is contact information to contact him. I think this is a legit website after running through this website with the checklist.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day 27

Today in class I watched a demonstration on how to use steps in finding out whether a website is real or not. ISTE 4. A-advocate, model, and teach safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology, including respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the appropriate documentation of sources. This will help me make sure my students are using proper real information. I do not want my students constantly reading wrong information. If they read it enough, it will start to stick.


Our class presented different things they can do with a smartboard. I was shocked to find out that people can actually disect a frog via smartboard. I like this a lot because you do not have to use frogs in a classroom. I think that is rather gross, but who knew that we would eventually be able to disect things on a computer.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 25

The question of the day, "Are smartboards worth the investment?" I believe yes it is. These boards are easily moved from room to room. They are more useful for some subjects than others, but if I think back and at some point in every class I took in high school it would of been cool and necessary to use a smartboard at least for one lesson. I believe it brings the class together to work productively and it can be easily organized.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Day 24

We are working with a smartboard. A smartboard should be in a lot of classrooms. They are so useful helpiong kids be active in class and also a better way teaching, in my opion. A smart board falls under the ISTE 2 D. provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments aligned with content and technology standards and use resulting data to inform learning and teaching. Letting students go to the smart board and I can help them from my desk, plus we can us the whole computer at the same time.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 23

"Interactive whiteboards can enhance any lesson and entice students to learn. With the use of whiteboards, teachers can develop many creative ways to capture students’ attention and imagination" (Reardon 2002). I believe that it helps you see what the student is thinking as he or she works through problems. It makes it one of the best tools in the classroom.

Day 22

Students are developing the 21st century skill of Productivity & Accountability-
Manage Projects, when they as they complete WebQuests. The students set and meet goals, even in the face of obstacles and competing pressure. They also prioritize, plan and manage work to achieve the intended result.

Day 21

WebQuest is going to help in classrooms a lot. You no longer have to worry about a website giving your students wrong information. With WebQuest you make your own website and you add other websites that you choose. This will help it be more clear for students in the future and not get so mixed up by reading the wrong information online. This falls under ISTE 3-a. demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Day 21

I am excited to get to learn about using something like WebQuest . I will be able to make web pages for different chapters I will be teaching and and my students could use them to study from home or during class. They will be able to interact with the web page using the links and activity's. This falls under the ISTE-NETS 1B. Engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day 20

We are going to be making changes on a Web Quest that we found. I found one called, "That Was Then, This is Now." The changes I will be making is using more interesting pictures. The pictures on there are plain and this Web Quest is made for younger students. I want to make the pictures look fun so my kids are not bored with it. I am going to also add more links. There are only a couple links and the kids will need to be able to keep exploring if they want to and this Web Quest really doesn't give them the option.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 19

This day we used the ISTE standards. This day it falls under standard 5 a. advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology. I was the the technophile: You love this internet thang. To you, the best WebQuest is one that makes the best use of the technology of the Web. If a WebQuest has attractive colors, animated gifs, and lots of links to interesting sites, you love it. If it makes minimal use of the Web, you'd rather use a worksheet. I chose the grow school greens slide. There were a lot of fun colors and the links stuck out so you did not have to search for it. It was fun and easy to use but more importantly it was not boring. I would design a site like this because it was filled with links and great information, it used great information and used the internet well.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day 17

Today we joined Bruceton's Five.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Day 14

We got in groups today in class and created a wordle using words that we felt described Web 2.0. We did this assignment fairly fast because the fact the website is a very useful web page. It is easy to use and easy to write about. Using wordle is easy and could provide for a fun activity in your classroom. Having students come up with nouns and adjectives that they choose for the topic is something students do not do everyday. It strays away from book work and keeps the students from getting bored. It falls under the 21st century Creativity and Innovation topic.

Web 2.0 Wordle

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day 11

Using blogmeister we helped a fifth grader work on a story that they are creating. According to the 21st century skill we met productivity & accountability- manage projects, set and meet goals, even in the face of obstacles. When I was in 6Th grade we had a buddy system. We teamed a 6Th grader with a 4Th grader. Using blogmeister you can help write stories together. That would be a project that I am interested in maybe trying.

Day 10

We submitted our photo story and received comments from our peers. It was interesting to see what they thought of my story and I liked the comments that I got back. Creating this photo story falls under 1A promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness. It also falls under 1C promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students' conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes. I am excited to use this in my classroom. I can make my teaching more creative so it is not the same boring thing day in and day out.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

When I Become A Teacher

Day 8

When I was in highschool, we had a blackboard. It was not called blackboard, but it was my highschool's form of it. We had access to look up assignments and also grades. My parents had my password so they too could make sure I was in class and not missing homework. This falls under 3D, model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learning. This helped me because my parents allways new what i was doing and made sure I got it done.

Day 9

We were taught in today's class to create a photo story. We can use sounds, pictures, text, or even video clips that we find on the Internet. These could be used for telling a story or voicing an opinion. This falls under the 1A standard, promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness. When I'm finally teaching, I will have my students create a photo story about a subject that we are on. It will be a good way to get my student familiar with the great things that computers can do other than facebook.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Day 6 3662819

Today, we skyped with 5th grade students across the country on the computer. They had questions to ask us about using blogger or social network system and writing an autobiography. We used ISTE standard 3C communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats. Video conferences are very useful and could help any classroom out from k-6 all the way to college. If a student catches a serious illness that keeps him/her out of class, it is hard for them to get help with their home work. Using a system like Skype, you can help them with question that they may have but cannot ask in class because of their illness. You can also communicate better with other teachers or parents. It would able you to talk to your substitute if you are ill as a teacher. It makes everything possible and communication more affective.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 4 -Jan. 28,2010

Today in class we joined a facebook group on The group is the Web 2.0 and schools group. On there we can comment on articles and videos. We watched a video that was on CNN about how we are the dumbest generation ever because of how we use the technology the wrong way. This joining of the group falls under 2C on the ISTE standards. It states, "customize and personalize learning activities to address students' diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources." I would be able to develop better teaching styles with the help of many great teachers that are in this group. They could help by answering questions or assist me as I work on projects with my students. I will continue to use this group.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day 3

On the third day of class we joined together with teachers across the country. We joined the online internet site classroom 2.0. We can talk in chats with other teachers about lesson plans and activitys. We can read up on successful teacher and there teaching stratiges. We now can connect and think outside the box with the help of who ever we want. This falls under 5a on the Iste website, "participate in local and global learning communities to explore creative applications of technology to improve student learning." This can help me succeed to teach to an all new level. It will help keep my classroom and could provide an edge for students to stay active and interested.

Day 2

Today in class we created a resume for ourselves from the google document section. It had many templates that were easy to access. This activity falls under the section 2a from It states, "design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity." With this resume that we learned to use to fill in information about ourselves to tell our history. This information is processed by future employers to decide whether to hire you or not. This was all done using online techonology. and can be printed anytime. I could use this in my class to help my students get jobs or prepare for their job search later on in their lives.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day One January 19, 2010

Today we set up a blog. I'm new at this. We connected with kids across the country using a wordle to let them know what our group of students thought of Cali. It meets to 3B on the ISTE website in the way that we collaborated with students using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation to peers that we did not even know. Being so far away and not being familiar with the two states it was interesting to see what they thought of West Virginia. We texted two nouns and adjectives about what we thought of each other states. Our teacher created a collage of words on the computer of the results. I could use this to help find out what my students think about something that we are working on. I could use to connect with other class online.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Copy of Resume (Student Theme)

Zach Nolan

Zach Nolan 906 47Th street vienna, WV 26105, 304-615-5235



Fairmont State University


  • Degree in Department

  • 3.0

  • Portfolio on file

Fairmont, WV

Parkersburg High School


  • Degree Here

  • 3.5

  • Student athlete

Parkersburg, WV

Work Experience

Learning Garden


  • Camp Counselor

  • worked with kids from the age of 2-13

  • received first aid training

Mineral Wells, WV

Vienna rec


  • Umpire 

  • Age groups 7-8, 9-10, 11-12

Vienna, WV


  • Offensive MVP: Oct. 31, MVP of the Offense

  • Deans List: Fall semester

Interests and Skills

  • Technical Skills

  • Language Skills

  • Athletic

  • Communication Skills

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Introductory post

I'm Zach Nolan, an Education major.